Cases of delayed orders

  • Updated

While 95% of Sensaria orders are produced within the production timelines, there are a few cases where an order may fall outside of the expected production window which results in delays.

Reason for delay Details
The product failed quality control  Manufacturers will immediately reprint an item if it fails quality control. This reprint process may create a 1-2 business day delay as the vendor rechecks the image file, ensures their equipment is in good working order, and pushes the reprint through.
Blank products are on back-order Our vendors keep inventory on hand for our most popular colors, models, and sizes of apparel. Occasionally a vendor may have trouble locating additional stock when supplies run low. In these cases, Sensaria may move your order to a new manufacturer who is fully stocked, or authorize the use of a substitute blank product. Take a look at our Apparel Substitution Policy.

Why has my order not arrived for the holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)?

  • During high volume seasons, like Christmas and Thanksgiving, order volumes may double or triple. Our vendors staff up to accommodate these order volumes, but you may still experience 1-2 business day delays in production on occasion. 

Why was my second order that was submitted shipped but my first order hasn't been shipped yet?

Example: My second order submitted on 12/02 was shipped but my first order submitted on 12/01 was not shipped yet.

  • Please be aware that not all orders are shipped chronologically. Orders may have variances in which may affect their production times which results in different times that the order is shipped. The most common scenario that might cause orders to not be shipped chronologically are:
    • Your order most likely failed the quality control and the manufacturer is reprinting your order. 
    • Your order is being printed in different manufacturing facilities resulting in different production times.



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