Can I request to add new products to Sensaria's Product Catalog?

  • Updated

Sensaria currently offers over 100 products and we’re constantly working on adding new ones.

Due to an extremely detailed vetting process of new vendors and products, we can’t start offering a new product immediately. We’re working hard on making sure that our partners get top-notch service and products, and we'll gladly accept product suggestions. 

If you want to sell a product or product variant we currently do not have in our catalog, feel free to reach out to our Partner Support team and we will explore the possibility of adding that product to our offering. Please be sure to include the following when reaching out to our Partner Support team:

  • The estimated sales volume (monthly/yearly)
  • The product information
  • The image of the product
  • Any other specific product information
    • For example, if you would like to add a new poster to our catalog, please include what size, what kind of finish, and what kind of paper type.

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