We offer the possibility of adding different apparel models to the same products that you can offer in your Etsy, Shopify, or WooCommerce store.
However, this takes a few more steps than simply creating a product that contains variations of a single model.
While creating a new product, you can select one model at a time. If you are interested in having multiple models within a single product, please follow these steps:
- Create a new product in Sensaria with one of the models you are interested in having within your product.
- In Shopify or Etsy, create/add new variants to link to Sensaria later on.
- After saving those newly created variants, go into your Sensaria hub for that store and select the option to sync a product.
- Select the product name you are working on, select the product you are syncing, and select the model you are looking to add.
- Then go through the rest of the syncing process which will follow the same steps as creating a new product.
Our video tutorial for connecting existing products can be found in our Shopify-related article and the process for connecting Etsy and WooCommerce products is the same when it comes to our Product Hub.